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Torrey Pines High School

A Proud Member of the San Dieguito Union High School District
Absence Reporting
Absence Reporting
Mandatory Notifications
Mandatory Notifications


Kathleen Margiotta,
Registrar of Torrey Pines High School
Phone: 858-755-0125 ext. 2230
Located in the Administration Building
Office Hours: 8:30 - 3:30
If you have questions regarding enrollment, please email our registrar at
A Registrar can assist with:
Students and parents can view unofficial transcripts and graduation status through the Parent Portal anytime.
All students must have their FINAL TRANSCRIPT mailed to the school they will attend next year. This includes 2-year community colleges as well as 4-year colleges and universities. You can order your transcript in two ways:
1) by turning this form TPHS Transcript Request Form in to the Registrar (a free service)  
2) online at Parchment and your transcript will be sent electronically to your college. There is a fee 
for this service. Here are step-by-step instructions for ordering your transcript online.
NCAA: To send a transcript to the NCAA Eligibility Center, requests can be made by using this form. Turn it in to the Registrar’s Office. The NCAA requires that you send separate transcripts for coursework taken at another school or for any course that you took off-campus. If you attended another school within SDUHSD, you do NOT need to send a separate transcript. 
All graduates of TPHS must request copies of their transcripts online at Parchment. Graduates who want to obtain a transcript ($5.00 and bring exact change) need to come to the Registrar's Office in person. Please call in advance to set a time that the registrar can help you. 
Transcripts for graduates before 1990 CANNOT be processed by the school site or online. Please contact Pupil Services of the San Dieguito Union High School District office by emailing Cathy Shroyer ( Please include your name at the time of graduation, the year of graduation, and the school graduated from. Most importantly, please include the address you want the transcript sent.
New Student Enrollment Information
  • For enrollment with Torrey Pines High School, you must first complete the Online enrollment process at SDUHSD Enrollment
  • Once you’ve completed the online enrollment process, follow the directions to upload your forms.  If you have questions please email our registrar at 
  • Students with an IEP or 504 plan: Please bring a copy of your most recent IEP or 504 plan. This is necessary even if the parent no longer wishes their student to continue to participate in the specified program or plan.
  • Students requesting honors/AP placement should bring as much supporting documentation (academic records, standardized test results, etc.) to present to the counselor for consideration. Ninth-grade students are not permitted to take AP courses.
Academic History (please provide the following):
- Official Transcript, School Profile and Accreditation, and most recent report card
- Students transferring during the school year must bring a copy of their withdrawal form showing grades and the date of leaving.
- Required documents for students arriving with their families from a foreign country include immunization records, birth certificates or passports, and officially translated copies of their school transcript.
  • The district does not accept international exchange students and does not participate in the I-20 program.
Adult Transition Program Enrollment
San Dieguito Union High School District provides an Adult Transition Program (ATP) for qualifying young adults with disabilities aged 18-22 years of age, known as C.O.A.S.T (Community Opportunities for Adult Students in Transition). Eligibility is determined by the IEP team. 
Students who are new to San Dieguito and need to enroll at COAST must first enroll first at their boundary high school (La Costa Canyon or Torrey Pines) and provide a copy of their most recent IEP. The LCCHS or TPHS staff will coordinate with COAST staff to complete the enrollment process.
Student Withdrawal Information
If your student is withdrawing during the current school year:
  1. Obtain the Withdrawal Form from the Registrar's Office.
  2. The parent must sign the withdrawal form giving permission for withdrawal.
  3. The student takes the withdrawal form to his/her teachers for an exit grade and return all textbooks.
  4. Return completed withdrawal form to the Registrar once all teachers have signed.
  5. Student will receive a copy of the withdrawal form to take to their new school.
  6. Transcripts will be sent to the new school when a request for records is made by the new school.
If your student is withdrawing at the end of the school year:
  1. Notification via email to the Registrar's Office is required before the start of the new school year. 
  2. Transcripts will be sent to the new school upon request.