- Campus Map - Overview
- Campus Map - With Room #s
- Drop Off / Pick Up Map
- Drop Off / Pick Up Information
- Parking Map
- Grade Reporting Info
- Immigration Enforcement - CA
- Student Job Opportunities
- Math Curriculum Support
- Parking Permit Application
- Policies & Procedures Packet
- Registrar
- School Safety
- Senior Info
- Start Smart Class
- Social-Emotional Resources
- Suicide Prevention
- TPHS Scholarship Fund
- Uniform Complaint/Williams Act
- Web Store
- Work Permit Application
Senior Info
** updated 2/2/2024 **
Questions?? Email them to tpfinanceoffice@sduhsd.net
Prom Dance
- Date: May 11, 2024
- Time: 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm
- Location: Birch Aquarium
- Tickets: Visit the TPHS ASB page
** Please Note: TPHS does not recommend using "party bus" services. We highly
recommend the use of limousines with smaller groups as an alternative on prom night. Rules regarding buses and limos are stated on the contracts and will be enforced strictly.
Principal's Message:
- Senior Expectations & Graduation Information - Principal's Presentation (Video) - New!
- Senior Expectations & Graduation Information - Principal's Presentation (Google Slides) - New!
Senior Week Events
- Monday, May 27th - Holiday and No School
- Tuesday, May 28th - Disney Trip (Tickets in Student Services) - Busses leave at 8:00 am,
return to TP at 9:30 pm // CONTRACT LINK
- Wednesday, May 29th - Senior Checkout & Breakfast - Arrive between 9:00-10:00 am in Falcon Stadium.
Please read the Checkout Information before arriving at the event. UPDATED!
- Thursday, May 30th - Graduation Rehearsal and Senior Picnic - 10:45 in Falcon Stadium
NOTE: Cap and Gown will be distributed after Graduation Rehearsal- Friday, May 31st - TPHS Class of 2024 Commencement Ceremony @ 4:00 pm.
Cap & Gown Distribution: (Cap & Gown Order Deadline = March 15th)
- For students who need to purchase a gown, please visit sdgrad.com.
- If you would like to order a loaner cap, gown, & tassel, contact sdgrad.com and they can work with you.
- Students who bought their cap, gown & tassel may decorate their hats. Remember, decorations must lay flat; there cannot be any height on top of the hat to avoid blocking another student from parents’ views. If there is height in the decoration, the student will be given a replacement hat at the staging gate.
- The caps, gowns, and tassels will be distributed during the Graduation Rehearsal on 5/30/24. UPDATED!
Date: Friday, May 31st
Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Falcon Stadium
Livestream Link: 2024 TPHS Commencement Livestream
Seniors who need to obtain FINAL TRANSCRIPTS must follow the instructions on this webpage.